Friday, February 23, 2007

Thank you Larissa!

I went to my sister in law's blog this morning and received an unexpected gift. She had a link on her blog to Faith Lifts and from there I found Moms of Grace which I joined and have already gone on a posting spree this morning. Plus, they have bible studies which I've already tried to start but with the kids running around, it's not been a good time to meditate on it. And I ordered a book called "Queen of the Castle: 52 Weeks of Encouragement for the Uninspired, Domestically Challenged or Just Plain Tired Homemaker" which I can't wait to get and have even more time for me!

I'm so glad that she had that link on her site. I feel like these sites will open up a whole new world for me online that I've been wanting to pursue but haven't been able to find. I can't wait to soak it all in!


Larissa said...

Well that was an unexpected post! And you've gotten further into finding what all you can find through blog world than I have. I found that, but haven't really gotten to dig yet. I found most of it through connections and people i have met through Beth Moore's blog. It's really neat to meet other people out there from all over the world, it's been uplifting for me! Hope you guys are doing good!

Larissa said...

Oh and by the way, your post on free will...I wasn't quite on the same path you were or at least how I landed at where I did, but I had been thinking about it a lot too. That's been a real tough one for me to understand, but very eye opening. I wrote mine, and then I saw the title on yours and I thought, "oh that's wierd."