I am...
I am the fifth child born to a mom and the fourth child born to a dad who came together to have their first child in me.
I am the little girl who loved to read no matter what it was and remember reading Danny and the Dinosaur sitting on my grandma's lap.
I am the little girl who played for hours on rocks outside our house pretending to be Ayla the cavewoman. (I told you I'd read anything!)
I am the little girl who sat on the playground with another little girl and pledged to be friends forever and we still are.
I am the young lady who loved Drama and was the lead in my ninth grade play.
I am the young lady who wanted so badly to have a boyfriend but never found the right one.
I am the young woman who thought she had found the right one in high school.
I am the young woman who gave college a try but just couldn't do it.
I am the woman who tried a lot of different jobs before finding my perfect niche in childcare.
I am the woman who cried over the body of an elderly man who had died in a tornado in the town where I was on the Volunteer Fire Department.
I am the woman who set off cross country with my mom and little sister to find a new start in Oregon.
I am the woman who resigned herself to being single.
I am the woman who fell madly in love with a man who is seven years younger than me.
I am the woman who was lucky enough to find a man who always wanted to be a dad.
I am the woman who is the mother of three beautiful boys.
I am the mother who tries so hard to be a good mom and falls short all the time.
I am the mother who gets up and tries again.
I am the wife, the mother, the sister, the daughter, the friend of so many people who make my life complete and I am who I am because of them.
I am God's favorite child and He has showered me with blessing after blessing.
Who are you?