Tuesday, January 23, 2007


How does that saying go about friends being like silver and gold? Oh, I found it...

Make new friends but keep the old
One is silver and the other gold.
I have a couple of friendships that have been refined and mellowed to a beautiful gold. My oldest friend is from third grade. We were eight when we met and the last time I saw her, we were looking at our three year old boys saying that in five short years they would be our age when we had met. How does that work? That just last year we were in my mom's LeBaron driving home illegally because we were only 15 and my parents trusted me enough to let me go. That only last week a couple of years had gone by and we hadn't spoken and I was scared that our friendship had reached the end or that only yesterday we were sitting in her living room watching our kids play? What made us hold on? What kept us from just not taking the time to write or call? I can't put my finger on it but I know that something amazing has kept us through the great times, the hard times and all the times in between. Like I said, this friendship has been refined to a beautiful gold.
Then there is my second oldest friend. I've known her since seventh grade when friend number one was at another jr high. We had probably three years where we were all about each other. We wrote notes all day during school and then called and talked for two - three hours at night. We've seen each other maybe twice in the last 15 years yet when we are together, it's like no time has gone by and we are right back in the rhythm of our friendship.
These two women have been such a blessing to my life. What is interesting is that religion has been a factor in both of these friendships. I wonder if that's had anything to do with their staying power? One of the best memories of my wedding is before I walked down to meet my dad, my bridesmaids and I had prayer and these two women were there. I just remember being so joyful and a big part of that joy was having these women there that day. I'm trying to tie this post in with a deep thought but I just can't! So, I'm rambling with tears in my eyes because I am so lucky to have people in my life who love me for who I am and I just wanted to take today to tell about two of them.


Neva said...

Kinda makes you appreciate the song, "Ill be a friend to Jesus" huh? Aren't you glad God created us with the capacity to be "friends".
Love ya

Traci said...

That's funny because the song, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" kept going through my mind! I just couldn't tie it in without sounding all smarmy!