Friday, March 16, 2007

Update on Chad and another lesson learned.

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
Matthew 6:34

Okay, I have to say that I totally understand this verse but at the same time how do you prepare for the future if you don't think about tomorrow?? Or since I have not one idea what the future holds no matter what I think it holds, I should just live for today, right? I think actually that is the way it should be.

We found out yesterday that Chad won't leave for Iraq until probably August or September. The crew that went out this six months left yesterday. Yeah, he had his phone interview yesterday and they called him and said, "okay you need to be here at 2pm if you are going with us." This was at 10:30. Umm...didn't happen. Which after a little bit of disappointment because I'm being honest, I was looking forward to the money that could have paid some big bills, I'm glad that it worked out this way. I know without a doubt that it will work out, I just feel so wishy washy when I say, okay this is the way it is and then a week later go, okay, no this is the way it is! If you go down about three posts about Change is in the Air, a lot of that is now void but I still need to pray and lean on God so the important lessons I learned are still valid, they are just pointed in another direction.

I have never felt like clay so much as I do right now. I feel like I am totally at the mercy of God. Which I know is a good thing but for someone who likes (okay LOVES) to have control of a situation, it's hard. I want to know what tomorrow brings and I want to know now but that's not the way God is, he wants me to concentrate on right now because I can only be the person he wants me to be if I'm in the here and now. I have to be focused on Him and not the future. Man, I never thought of it like that but if my eyes are on the future than they aren't where they should be...on Him. So, even if I'm trying to grow in the Lord, he wants me growing TODAY, not tomorrow, not in the next six months, he wants me concentrated on today.

Okay, God....I hear you!


Larissa said...

I like your thought on feeling like clay in his true. I know it's hard sometimes to understand everything that our human minds can't, but God must have a plan for his timing! Still thinking about you guys!

Neva said...

I love you so much. I am sorry today is not working out as you had planned. I hope it gives you comfort to know that things are going just exactly as He planned.
I am praying for y'all