Saturday, November 11, 2006

Troublesome times...

I need to step away from political debates, I need to not watch our news, I need a whole new attitude check on my country. I'm sick and tired of everything in our society right now. The lack of responsibility, the sick, sick people who think it's okay to abuse four day old children. The gang bangers who get smacked in the face by a cop because he's reaching for their gun and cries abuse. I'm just sick of it. I have this sinking feeling in my stomach and I can't make it go away. I have no pride in my country right now and I hate that. It's not a matter of Republican/Democrats or anything like that, I'm just scared that if it's like this now, what is it gonna be like in 20 years when my kids get to be in it?

I was talking to Carol the other day and we had this same talk and I talked about how the only thing that really matters is family and what goes on in my four walls. But I just hurt for all the other people who are hurting out there and I don't know what to do. I'm a fixer and I can't see anyway to fix this problem.

What I need to do is just turn to God and realize that this place is not my home. I can only pray about the horrors I see and give them to God. I can only be responsible for my actions and I can teach my children to be responsible for theirs. I can only hope that there are more people out there who are teaching their children this same thing.

Say a prayer for our troops and their families this weekend. I know they signed up for war but it hurts just as bad when they pass. I don't agree with why they are there but I am still tremendously proud of the men and women who do sign up to protect our country and others. Stay safe. Give your loved ones a hug and try to make a difference somewhere.

1 comment:

Neva said...

I loved your post and I know exactly what you mean. However, we are told that sometimes God uses evil people and bad situations to get people to turn to Him. It is usually when times are darkest that people call on His name. Remember 911? I pray that in these disturbing times, the evil that abounds serves some purpose because those who turn to Him will have all eternity to be filled, safe and blest.
See you soon